Saturday, August 4, 2007

I don’t understand:

Why people say ‘call me if you need help’ and then never help you when you actually ask for it.

Why people never reply to any messages even when you ask them how they are.

Why people say ‘hey I’ll call you’ and never call back.

Why people who have known pain themselves can hurt somebody else so badly.

Why people say ‘I cannot hurt somebody deliberately’ and go on to do just that.

Why seemingly good friends grow silent and distant the moment they know your salary is same or more than theirs.

Why people keep calling you to find out whether you got a job or not and get unhappy when you finally do.

Why people’s first reaction to any news is how it’s going to affect them.

Why people look at you strangely if you decide to be nice to the boss who’s a bitch in office but a nice person outside.

Why people think that doing something without a reason is ‘being adventurous.’

Why people stop talking to you all of a sudden and then expect you to understand even if they are not friends.